No posts with label Stop Smoking Forums. Show all posts
No posts with label Stop Smoking Forums. Show all posts

Stop Smoking Forums

  • Do Andromes Dream of Electric Sheep? Gender and Postmodernism in the Philip K Dick Novel Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a complex novel that could be considered postmodernist. To a varying extent, it raises the issue of gender, its structure inevitably exerting a significant influence over how this…
  • Are You in Terminal Love? If you are a linux geek, I am pretty sure that you are in love with terminal. If you have surfed the internet looking for solutions in linux, you might often end up in sites giving you some commands over the terminal as the solution. This is…
  • Debt Relief & All About It In this era of plastic money we all tend to swipe our credit cards mindlessly or loan large sums of money to pay off our previous debts or purchase assets, without thinking about the debt that we are getting ourselves into! Most of us have huge…
  • The Gift of Balance Aristotle is my favorite. He just is. I started buying what I believed to be classic books in my early twenties, during that period of self-renaissance when you realize school is gone and you're more or less in charge of what you know from…
  • Video Games - The Perfect Escape? Why oh why did you say yes to that last shandy? The kebab seemed like a good idea but your mouth now resembles the inner lining of Phil Jupiter's underpants. And to top it all off, you're stuck in a lava filled dungeon and some b*****d has…